Goya’s Blog Page 1goya.blogspot.com

Thursday, January 3, 2019

📌The Aging Parent/Grandparent: Are You Available?

An aging parent or grandparent, who is 65+ years old, is a member of the elderly population. Are you giving them your time?

To the point, take time with your aging parents/grandparents and your elderly relatives. They need you. Call them regularly; visit them often. See if they need anything. If they live alone, it’s highly possible that they have lonely days. Treat them with respect. Show them the love and honor they deserve. Be considerate and kind. You will be a member of the elderly population one day, if GOD allows you with the years. Do unto them as you would want done unto you.  

*Older people are projected to outnumber children for the first time in U.S. history. Read more information here.  👇🏼

A Facebook friend posted an image of an old Dear Abby Letter. Take the time to read the words verbatim. The letter may be old, but the words are still relevant for many elderly people. Take special care of your parents/grandparents and elderly relatives. Make a deposit in their seasoned lives. 

Live & Love Well, 

🦚GPS - Your Innovative Blogger 

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